Howler Monkey

Nature and Nurture: Exploring Wildlife at Sibu Sanctuary with Sendero Hotel

 Sibu Sanctuary, just 15 minutes down the road from Sendero Hotel, offers a thrilling opportunity to get up close and somewhat personal with native and recovering wildlife of Nosara.

Sendero Hotel, our upscale boutique surf hotel situated on the coastal fringe between the lush Costa Rican jungle and world-famous Playa Guiones, is the perfect focal point for travelers to explore the Nicoya Peninsula. For those seeking a deeper dive into the region’s ecosystem, the Sibu Sanctuary offers tours that provide an intimate look into the area’s rich biodiversity and the foundation’s deep dedication to wildlife conservancy. 

A few short months after relocating to Costa Rica in the late 1990s, Vicki Coan found herself caring for a baby Howler monkey, an experience that changed the trajectory of her life. The event inspired her in 2009 to create the Sibu Sanctuary to address the area’s urgent need for wildlife care. Its mission is to provide rehabilitation and facilitate rewilding for injured animals, as well as offer a permanent habitat for those unable to return to the wild.  

Over time, the sanctuary has grown, and Sibu now provides educational and informational tours ($60 suggested donation) that include an introduction to the area’s wildlife, both plant and animal, with a focus on monkeys. The presentation covers details about primates and explains the dangers they face from environmental hazards due to human encroachment. Check the website for the schedule and book a reservation, or ask our team and we can help you

The Sibu staff also introduces guests to some of the lifelong inhabitants who have found safe haven here. Among the cast of characters is Lupita, a quirky collared peccary resembling a wild pig, kept as a pet and who now happily forages for seeds in her new home. Despite his mobility challenges, Bongo, a dashing young howler monkey with head trauma, loves basking in the sun and mingling with other monkeys. There’s also Captain Prickles, a cool-as-a-cucumber Mexican porcupine who enjoys exploring his habitat and snacking on avocados at night. He’s here because he’s too chill (non-aggressive) for the real world. 

By far, the largest population residing in Sibu consists of primates. Costa Rica is home to several species, including howler monkeys, spider monkeys, and capuchins. Community-orientated and clever, monkeys are particularly vulnerable to environmental changes and human activities, such as deforestation and urban development; their biggest threat is uninsulated power lines. 

Please keep in mind that Sibu Sanctuary supports responsible wildlife tourism. To ensure the well-being of its animals, they do not allow contact with residents. 

A visit to Sibu Sanctuary offers the opportunity to explore Costa Rica’s rich and diverse wildlife. Participants gain valuable insights into the region’s biodiversity and support local conservation efforts. Your donation aids in providing medical care, food, and daily needs. It also funds the maintenance and improvement of their naturalistic habitats, broader initiatives like addressing electrocution threats, and educational programs that raise awareness about wildlife conservancy and sustainable tourism practices. 

Sendero Hotel team is deeply committed to preserving Nosara’s natural beauty and unique ecosystems. The hotel’s design and operations thoughtfully align with conserving the area’s natural resources. By choosing to stay at the Sendero Hotel in Nosara, you join a community dedicated to protecting Costa Rica’s heritage. Plan your visit today to help make a lasting difference.